Home Calculators Ice Bath Calories Burned Calculator – Fat Loss Estimate

Ice Bath Calories Burned Calculator – Fat Loss Estimate

This calculator estimates the amount of calories you burned during your ice bath.

The estimate is based on a baseline calorie burn rate of 400 per hour at a temperature of 12.5°C for a 70kg person:

Calories Burned = (400 + (Temp Difference × Adjustment Factor) / 60) × Time × Weight Factor

Please be aware that this calculator does not account for variables such as heart rate, age, metabolism, and body composition.

Ice Bath Calories Burned Calculator

Ice Bath Calories Burned Calculator


How to Use the Ice Bath Calories Burned Calculator

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the Ice Bath Calories Burned Calculator:

ice bath calories burned calculator

Step 1: Choose your preferred measurement system

The Metric and Imperial measurement systems are two different ways to associate numbers with physical quantities. This allows us to communicate precise measurements to one another.

The Metric System is commonly used internationally, whereas the Imperial System is used in America, Liberia and Myanmar. 

Metric System Measurements

  • Speed – Kilometers per hour
  • Temperature – Celcius
  • Liquid – Litre
  • Weight – Kilograms, Grams
  • Distance – Centimeter, Meter, Kilometer

Imperial System Measurements

  • Speed – Miles per hour
  • Temperature – Fahrenheit
  • Liquid – Gallon
  • Weight – Pounds, Ounces
  • Distance – Inch, Yard, Mile

Step 2: Enter your weight

Weight is your freestanding body mass. It does not include clothing and accessories such as shirts, shorts, skirts, jewellery, or shoes.

By the Metric System, weight is measured in kilograms, by the Imperial System, weight is measured in pounds.

The average male in Australia is 87 kilos, whereas the average female in Australia is 71.8 kilos.

The most accurate measurement of body mass is determined using a step-on scale. You could also estimate your weight by comparing with a friend or national averages. 

Step 3: Enter your time spent in ice bath

The time spent in ice bath is the total duration of your cold plunge session. This begins when you fully submerge, and concludes once you exit the water.

You can determine the duration of your ice bath by timing with a stopwatch or comparing the times from a clock.

Ice baths typically last for 10 minutes.

Step 4: Enter your water temperature

The water temperature is considered after you add ice. Use a thermometer to determine the temperature of the water accurately.

The default temperature is set at 12.5 degrees Celcius (54.5 degrees Fahrenheit). This is the recommended temperature for optimal cold therapy.

If you don’t have a thermometer, estimating the water temperature will not provide reliable results.

Step 5: Click the “calculate” button

By clicking the “calculate” button, the inputs you entered (weight, time spent in ice bath and water temperature) will be used to calculate the amount of calories you burned during your ice bath.

The formula used to calculate how many calories you burned is:

Calories Burned = (400 + (Temp Difference × Adjustment Factor) / 60) × Time × Weight Factor

Formula Components

Calories Burned – The amount of calories that you burned during your cold plunge.

400 – The baseline calorie burn of 1 hour in an ice bath at a temperature of 12.5°C.

Temp Difference – Difference between the actual temperature and the default 12.5°C.

Adjustment Factor – The change in calorie burn rate per degree change in temperature.

60 – The minutes in an hour to for converting to hours

Time – The duration of the ice bath session.

Weight Factor – Adjust calorie burn based on weight (User Weight / Average Weight)

Calculation Process

1. (Temp Difference × Adjustment Factor)

First, calculate how much the calorie burn rate should be adjusted based on the difference between the actual water temperature and the default 12.5°C. This step accounts for the fact that colder water typically causes a greater increase in calorie expenditure.

2. (400 + (Temp Difference × Adjustment Factor)) / 60

Add the baseline calorie burn rate of 400 calories per hour to the adjustment calculated in the previous step. Then, divide the sum by 60 to convert the hourly burn rate into a per-minute rate.

3. (Calories Per Minute) × Time × Weight Factor

Finally, multiply the calories burned per minute by the time spent in the ice bath and adjust for the user’s weight using the Weight Factor. This gives the total calories burned during the session.
